Orthodontic Consultation

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Get Started With a Virtual Orthodontic Consultation

Connect with a Westminster, CO orthodontist from anywhere with a complimentary, no-obligation, virtual consultation. Enter your information and snap a few pics of your smile. Dr. Cronin and Dr. Czarnik will review your details and then we’ll be in touch to chat with you about your treatment options.

    Patient Info

    Upload Photos

    If you can submit your photos, that will help us determine your treatment plan before your visit!

    #1 Lower Teeth

    Open your mouth wide and tilt your chin downwards toward your chest. Hold the camera so it’s perpendicular to the biting surfaces of your bottom teeth. Make sure your full arch is showing and then snap a picture.

    #2 Upper Teeth
    top teeth

    Open your mouth wide and lift your chin as high as you can. Hold the camera so that it’s perpendicular to the biting surfaces of your top teeth. Make sure you can see the full arch and then click.

    #3 Front View, smiling
    Front Teeth

    Bite down so your back teeth touch. Directly facing the camera, smile wide and click, trying to get as many teeth as you can in the picture. If you need to, you can pull your lips and cheeks away from your teeth with your fingers to show more teeth.

    #4 Right View
    Right teeth

    Bite down so that your back teeth touch, smile and retract the cheek and lips with your finger on the right side of your mouth to expose more of your teeth. Take a picture of the right side.

    #5 Left View
    left teeth

    Bite down so that your back teeth touch, smile and retract the cheek and lips with your finger on the left side of your mouth to expose more of your teeth. Take a picture of the left side.

    *maximum upload file size 1MB Each



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    mild, or no extra spacemoderateextreme

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    Confident Smiles Start With Expert Care

    Don’t let your smile insecurities hold you back! As a top orthodontist in Westminster, CO, we have the knowledge and expertise to achieve fantastic results for patients of all ages. Whether you have slightly crooked teeth, severe orthodontic concerns or anything in between, our doctors will tailor treatment to your unique needs. To get started, schedule a complimentary consultation today!

    Book a Free Consultation